Holy Moly Guacamole

August 13, 2017

Last week, I posted about my Simple Chicken Fajitas.  I always top my fajitas with guacamole. I must say, guacamole is the easiest thing to make--so easy, I think my husband could make it.  😂  Today, I wanted to share with you how to make guacamole.

1 avocado
1 medium tomato
1/2 tsp. freeze-dried garlic (*this is what makes this recipe so easy--In the image below, you will see my favorite freeze-dried garlic.)
juice of half of a lime

1.  Cut the avocado in half.  Remove the pit.  Use a spoon to scoop the meat the avocado out of the skin.  Place into a small bowl.  

2.  Smash the avocado and stir until most of the chunks are smoothed out. 
3.  Add about 1/2 tsp. of freeze-dried garlic to the bowl.  Mix the garlic in with the avocado.  

4.  Squeeze half of a lime into the garlic and avocado mixture.  Mix well.  

5.  Dice up a medium tomato and add to the avocado mix.  Mix well.  

6.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Enjoy with chips, fajitas, veggies and more.  

I hope you find this recipe to be easy and delicious.  Have a great week!

Forever Yung, 

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