
July 30, 2017

Any time I hear the word "reunited", I immediately hear "reunited and it feels so good" playing in my head.  Those lyrics could not be more true.  Over the last couple of months, many things in The Yung Life have changed--for the better!  I wanted to take a couple of minutes to update you on a couple of those changes.

If you recall from my first blog post, I wrote about living 4.5 hours away from my husband. That is no longer the case.  This past school year, we knew we couldn't live that far away from one another any longer.  Something had to give.  Two years had been long enough.  So, I resigned my from principal job in the state of Missouri and decided to make the move to Illinois to be with him.

My husband and I on the 4th of July. 

Our summer has been full of craziness!  Towards the end of the school year, I was hired in Illinois to teach Kindergarten!  (To say I'm excited to be back in the classroom and to live with my husband after two long years is an understatement.)  At the end of May, I finished up my job in Missouri.  In June, I packed up all of my "junk" (I say junk because I'm pretty sure I don't need any of it), along with all of my teaching supplies/furniture/"stuff", and moved to Illinois on my 27th birthday.  (I'm still not sure how I've accumulated so many material things over the past 27 years, but some major purging also happened over the summer.)

The big move!
Over the last couple of weeks, I've been working on my new classroom and spending WAY too much money on my future students and classroom.  Who doesn't do that as a teacher?   My husband and I have been trying to cherish every moment that we have together.  You realize how much you take for granted when you live apart for two years... Anyway, I'm back in Missouri for a few days to see family and relax in the pool before school starts.  Yes, being away from my family is hard, but being away from my husband was even harder--reunited, and it feels so good...

Classroom before and (somewhat) after.  

Back in Missouri on the family farm.  

This post is short and sweet, but there are a few things that I want to leave you with today...

*Be grateful and cherish every moment that you have with your family, friends, significant other, spouse, children, etc.
*God has a plan--trust this and be patient!
*Love more.  Hate less.
*Be real--stay true to who you are.
*Challenge yourself and know your limits.

All of these points have had significant meaning to me over the last two years and they continue to hold true.  I'm grateful for reunions, not only with my husband, but with my family, friends, neighbors, etc.  Cherish those reunions and don't live with regret.

Forever Yung,

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